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Sharks, Crocs, Rays, Turtles

SR-1. Silky Patrol
Valuable to the finning trade, silky sharks are the second most often caught shark species globally, and are in decline. This group is protected in Cuba's Jardines de la Reina National Park.

SR-2. Hammerhead in Orbit
An artistic composite of a scalloped hammerhead with "sunny sky" ocean background. Galapagos.

SR-3. Close Pass
In Cuba's Jardines de la Reina, a curious Silky Shark heads straight for the camera, only to veer to the side at the last minute.

SR-4. White Tip Hotel
Miles off the coast of Mexico, Roca Partida pinnacle hosts nocturnal white tip sharks on a ledge as the seas crash overhead.

SR-5. Up Close and Personal
Silky Shark swims up to the camera for a look, then curves away gracefully. Cuba

SR-6. Tail End (of a Beautiful Day)
Two Silky Sharks swim away with tails in a pretty composition. Cuba.

SR-7. Pas de Deux
Two Silky Sharks in tight formation just under the water's surface. Cuba

SR-8. Reef Shark Hello
Reef Shark coming close in Little Cayman, Cayman Islands

SR-9. Dawn's Rays
Sun rays catch the ocean's surface as a Southern Stingray glides along the sand. The choppy surface adds motion to the image. Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

SR-10. Whipping Whiptail
As it settles into the sandy sea floor, a whiptail stingray covers itself for camouflage, just leaving his eyes visible. Little Cayman, Cayman Islands

SR-11. Sand Sentry
At sunrise, a Southern Stingray reflects on the ocean's surface while the pristine sand wrinkles with the surge. Cayman Islands

SR-12. My What Big Teeth You Have!
An American Saltwater Crocodile in the Cuban mangroves swims in close for a look, and maybe a little taste.

SR-13. His Happy Place
Seeming to smile as he waits for dinner to arrive, an American Saltwater Crocodile hangs motionless just beneath the ocean's surface. Cuba

SR-14. Eye Spy
Waiting for an unsuspecting meal, an American Saltwater Crocodile floats motionless with just his eyes above water. Cuba

SR-15. Turtle Reef
Juvenile hawksbill turtle cruises a pristine reef. Komodo, Indonesia

SR-16. Rise and Shine
this adorable juvenile hawksbill turtle takes a peek at the camera as he swims along the reef. If he's lucky to reach full size, he can weigh up to 300 pounds. Little Cayman, Cayman Islands.

SR-17. Alone in the Universe
A juvenile hawksbill turtle heads to the surface for a breath. Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

SR-18. Studious
This algae-encrusted hawksbill turtle pauses in his eating to study a visitor. Raja Ampat, Indonesia

SR-19. Mega Manta
An Oceanic Manta, airliner-sized, dominates the rocky reef in Mexico's Revillagigedos Marine Park.

SR-20. Manta and Entourage
An Oceanic Manta is accompanied by three species of commensal fish. Revillagigedos National Park, Mexico

SR-21. Reef Dancer
A massive manta ray seems to dance as it slows approaching a reef cleaning station, where small fish pick parasites off his skin.
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