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PH-1. Butterfly Reflection
Reef fish foraging make an interesting composition. Anilao, Philippines.

PH-2. Zebra Crab Reflection
A Zebra Crab contrasts with a Fire Urchin. There is a black and white shrimp "easter egg" perched on an urchin spine. Anilao, Philippines.

PH-3. Tunicate Reflection
Cavelina Tunicates' (Sea Squirts) vibrant color pops on the reef. Anilao, Philippines.

PH-4. Reef Elegance
Two Hypselodoris nudibranchs with their egg ribbon pose on the reef. Anilao, Philippines.

SH-7. Dots and Dashes
A Thorny Seahorse shows off his fancy spines and orange and white polka dots. Anilao, Philippines.

TC-8. Ready To Eat
An Emperor Shrimp waits for breakfast from his perch on the back of a sea cucumber. Anilao, Philippines.

PH-7. Fancy Camo
This fancy Ornate Ghost Pipefish hides by swimming vertically among the arms of a matching feather star. Anilao, Philippines.

SH-5. Frilly Mom
Swimming vertically to hide in a sea fan, this pregnant Ornate Ghost Pipefish shows off a swollen brood pouch. Her ghostly partner is in the background. Anilao, Philippines.

FP-15. Catch a Ride
A happy couple in open water: the juvenile jack gets protection and the jelly gets a faster ride. Blackwater, Anilao, Philippines.

FP-5. Baby Blues
A tiny Lemon Goby with dazzling sapphire eyes watches the world from the lip of a bottle. Anilao, Philippines.

PH-11. Belle of the Ball
Looking like a dancer with a full skirt, this Goniobranchus nudibranch flaps its purple mantle edge as it cruises. Anilao, Philippines.

PH-12. Who's There, Dear?
Two tiny Lemon Gobies peer out from their home in a beer bottle on the sea floor. Anilao, Philippines.
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